JBoss Community

Re: re-authentication and pooling

created by Dmitri Voronov in IronJacamar - View the full discussion

Sorry, but this topic is about two years old and refers to the code base from AS 4.2.3.GA and I was trying to find a solution for a real issue, which has never been commented here. I spent about an year on discussing it in EAP support portal and then was invited to discuss in the community.  Can you explain please what is wrong. What do you mean with:

Because the original post is wrong.

You are using a reference to it in JIRA and in your article.


In the previous message I commented the article's chapter "Design" and not the implementation in IronJacamar. I looked at ReauthKey in the trunk. It does't even use CRI neither in its equals() method not elsewhere.

I wrote:

a JCA resource adaptor may support multiple types of the underlying connections

I meant several Java types e.g. EJB business interfaces, File/Path, Http/Https-Connections any specific classes from a hierarchy etc.. And this information may be a part of CRI. And if a requested connection should support e.g. HTTPS but if a connection obtained from the pool is an insecure one it is wrong. Read section

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