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userTask - setting Wait for Completion

created by Melih Cetin in jBPM - View the full discussion

Section "12.1. Human tasks inside processes" of jBPM User Guide states that:


Wait for completion: If this property is true, the human task node will only continue if the human task has been terminated (i.e. completed or any other terminal state); otherwise it will continue immediately after creating the human task.


and the eclipse editor (BPMN2 Process Editor) provides UI to update "Wait for completion" attribute for User Tasks but the updated value is not saved (save the process definition, re-open it and see that "Wait for completion" is always set to 'true'). On the other hand, since there is no information saved for waitForCompletion in bpmn2 XML file, the process continues after creating the human task during execution (this is what I observe by checking NodeInstanceLog table content).


What would be the correct way of instructing process engine to waitForCompletion of a specific User Task, even if it is the manual update of the bpmn2 XML file?


There was another discussion about this topic (see http://community.jboss.org/thread/168556) but does not address the issue highlighted above.

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