
Can the jboss ws support multi-porttype in one wsdl

reply from Feng Qian in JBoss Web Services - View the full discussion

Hehe Lukas,


Did you create the jira of jboss tools? What do you do? A user, jboss ws developer or a tester?

I feel that you are more familar with jboss ws than me.

Sorrry for my bad english, I don't catch your meanings. You said, the -e is ok for soap1.1 and soap1.2,

and if I use -e for all the scenes, it is ok. Right?

For example, just a wsdl include a portype and use soap1.1,

it will works correctly when we use -e?


I don't find the detail document for the wsconsume -e. -e means -extension, but a wsdl file include multi porttype, I think it is not a extension.

So I am puzzled with it.



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