JBoss Community

Re: Caching in web application

created by schmyrczyk in JBoss Cache - View the full discussion


at first you should gather some information about the topic cache itself.

There is a good explanation at wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cache_(computing)).


I am not familiar with CouchBase. But since it provides key-value based access it sounds like a mix of a cache and a database.

Most java cache implementations are key-value-based. So you can access them like a map.

Here is an example how to access a infispan cache instance (Source: https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/ISPN/Getting+Started+Guide#GettingStartedGuide-5minutetutorial):


38.       // Add a entry

39.       cache.put("key", "value");

40.       // Validate the entry is now in the cache

41.       assertEqual(1, cache.size());

42.       assertTrue(cache.containsKey("key"));

43.       // Remove the entry from the cache

44.       Object v = cache.remove("key");

45.       // Validate the entry is no longer in the cache

46.       assertEqual("value", v);


In the past I have also worked with EHCache and JBoss Cache. They are used in a similar way like Infinispan. I have also to mention that there is no "best" cache. You have to evaluate some cache implementations for you project because it depends on a lot of factors like access speed, clustering capabilities, caching algorithms, etc.


For further information you could look up the following websites:




But do not forget evaluate your desired cache in order to get the best results for your application.




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