JBoss Community

Re: Starting server added to launch history

created by James Wilson in JBoss Tools - View the full discussion

Hi Max


I've added the server to my Servers view. I select it and then press the "Start the server in debug mode" button on the Servers view toolbar. When I want to run my application I usually click on the Debug button on the main Eclipse toolbar, which launches the last configuration run. In my Ganymede setup (so I think JBoss Tools 3.0) that didn't include starting the JBoss AS server, but in Indigo/JBoss Tools 3.3 it does. Thus the tooltip for the debug button becomes "Debug JBossv 4.2 at localhost (already running)", and if I click on it I get a message box stating:
'Launching JBoss v4.2 at localhost' has encountered a problem.

Server port In Ue 80080-Http

In the Servers view my JBoss 4.2 server then shows as stopped. I can start it again and it all works fine after that.


The applications I work on most often have the server call some native code, so if I've run some of that I have to stop the server in order to overwrite the DLL, hence I probably re-start my server far more frequently than most people.


I hope that makes sense, let me know if there's anything else I can tell you.

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