JBoss Community

Index on JDBCCacheLoader

created by Maurizio Mauri in JBoss Cache - View the full discussion

Hi everybody!!



I have developed a cache component to support a web application with JBossCache and it works fine.



I have chosen a JDBCCacheLoader to deal with persistence activities. Now for a particular reason I have to schedule a task (during the night) that perform some activities on my contents tree.



To visit all my nodes I have set up a recursive function that perform this instruction "node.getChildren()" but it seems quite slow with lots of entries. I have placed an index on "FQN_parent" column to improve the performance and I have observed a great improvement (about 100 time).



Considering that JDBC retrieve metadata about index could it be a good idea to support this kind of activities?


<loader class="org.jboss.cache.loader.JDBCCacheLoader" async="false" fetchPersistentState="true" ignoreModifications="false" purgeOnStartup="false">






   <!-- cache.jdbc.table.index=ix_jbosscache -->












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