JBoss Community

Ear with jar and war with pure spring: how to configure?

created by Alexey Ulyanov in Snowdrop - View the full discussion

Hi guys!


At first thanks to snowdrop team for this useful deployer!


I have two modules within ear: MyProject.jar and MyProject.war.

MyProject.jar contains some spring services, hibernate domains and dao modules.

MyProject.war contains some REST resources and MVC spring components to have web access to services which are placed in MyProject.jar.


I don't use any EJB beans and to deploy MyProject.jar I use JbossSpring deployer 3.3 (as I use Spring 3.0.x)


So when I run jboss I see in the log that MyProject.jar is loaded twice: one time once JbossSpring deployer is deploying MyProject.jar and second time once MyProject.war is deployed by WarDeployer (I'm not sure who deploys war).


Looks like this happens because WarDeployer loads war not in the same scope that JbossSpring deployer loads jar


Can you please point me on to mistakes in my jboss&spring configuration?



Here is configuration for each module:



                     |                   +META-INF

                     |                                 +com //compiled classes are there

                     |                                 +core-spring.xml

                     |                                 +core-app-context.xml //part of spring's services config and annotation scanning

                     |                                 +core-db-context.xml //part of spring's db config





                                                       +classes //compiled classes are there


                                                       +web-app-context.xml //some security configuration and all mvc-related stuff







   <bean id="core.spring.context" class="org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext">









web.xml (here is only neccessary part of file):

<web-app id="WebApp_ID" version="2.4" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"


         xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-app_2_4.xsd">



































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