Thanks for suggestions - so now I have to figure out how am I using Human Task Service ;) Lack of documentation here isn't helpfull at all - for now I'm just starting demo services from jBPM 5.3 installer (ant tasks "start.demo.noeclipse" + "start.human.task"). This is serving default HTS functionality for my PoC application, where I'm connecting to HTS with this code:
MinaTaskClientHandler handler = new MinaTaskClientHandler(SystemEventListenerFactory.getSystemEventListener());client = new TaskClient(new MinaTaskClientConnector(communityId.toString(), handler));client.connect("", 9123);
... so I assume, I'm using HTS as a WebService, right?
If I got your answer right UserGroupCallback runs on HT service side, so I'm not sure if it suits my needs. My client is a Liferay portlet, which means it runs in external permission system, based on users and groups. The use case is I create and run processes (of human tasks) from this portlet, using Liferay user and group IDs. In portlet each user can check if there are any tasks for them (also basing on group membership). In Liferay user can belong to many groups and, of course, group membership can be (have to be) determined on portlet (Liferay) side in running server's context.
This implies that UserGroupCallback implementation must be running on Liferay (client side...), which - as you said - is not the way to do it.
Any suggestions on how to accomplish this task are welcomed. Maybe running HTS inside Liferay (Tomcat) is a solution here?