JBoss Community

More JBoss-AS 5 clusters and more Apache Virtual Hosts

created by Willem Noorduin in Beginner's Corner - View the full discussion

: I have configured two JBoss5-AS clusters (cluster1 and cluster2), which are running on two (Linux) servers. Each cluster contains a number of instances

which i created on basis of the production instance (not the all instance).


When I setup a seperate Apache webserver with mod_jk, all is working perfectly. I have been reading about mod_cluster and want to implement it because

it is more versatile than mod_jk. I have successfully implement this for one named virtual host


<VirtualHost *:80>

   ServerAdmin me@host.nl

   DocumentRoot /content/www.test.nl/data

   ServerName www.test.nl

   ErrorLog logs/test-error_log

   CustomLog logs logs/test-access_log combined


   <Location /mcm>

         SetHandler mod_cluster_manager



    KeepAliveTimeout 60

    MaxKeepAliveRequests 0


    ManagerBalancerName testcluster


    ProxyPass / balancer://testcluster/

    ProxyPassReverse / balancer://testcluster/


   AdvertiseFrequency 10





(where there can be a type somewhere, because Paste doesn't seem to work here). The AdvertiseGroup address is the multicast address I started

cluster1 with (so for example ./run.sh -c cluster-node1 -g cluster1 -u ...). If I start the thing up (JBoss nodes and Apache) and I deploy an application, I can see all this in the http://www.test.nl/mcm interface (this is in fact the minimal example named in the documentation of mod_cluster)


The trouble begins when I try to define a second Apache Virtual Host (for example  www.test2.nl and try to attach it to cluster2 (the second cluster). First it

doesn't seem to be possible to have two AdvertiseGroup alements here (my first hunch was to ser this to the multicast address of the second cluster).

When I try to throw the mod_cluster configuration in one (default) virtual host, it only sees one cluster (either the one behind or (if I comment

the AdvertiseGroup command), the first that becomes available


The reason that I want two seperate clusters (and not all applications in one cluster)  is that we want to administer each cluster independently of each other. Question is thus:


How to setup a multiple named virtual host configuration for apache, where each virtual host connects to a different JBoss-AS5 cluster. Can some one give

a concrete example of such a configuration ?

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