Hi Franck,
Maybe I know about the question number 3.
the directory \jbpm-installer\sample\evaluation\src\main\resources is passed as an argument for jbpm console when we do the "ant start.jboss"
you can open the build.xml and look for <target name="start.jboss7"
you will get these lines:
<target name="start.jboss7" depends="check.jboss.version" if="jboss.version.is.7">
<property name="jboss.full.path.win" location="${jboss.home}/bin/standalone.bat" />
<exec executable="${jboss.full.path.win}" spawn="yes"
<env key="JAVA_OPTS" value="-XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xms256m -Xmx512m" />
<arg value="-b" />
<arg value="${jboss.bind.address}" />
<arg value="-Djbpm.console.directory=${install.home}/sample/evaluation/src/main/resources" />
<arg value="-Dreporting.needcontext=true" />
so the ant start.jboss will run start.jboss7 where it execute JBOSS AS 7's standalone.bat and pass this parameter to the standalone.bat
that is why your jbpm console have all the bpmn process located in ${install.home}/sample/evaluation/src/main/resources directory.
Thomas Setiabudi