JBoss Community

Re: "getConnection" returns a shared connection regardless of the sharable property in the resource reference and regardless of the connection request info

created by berw in IronJacamar - View the full discussion

Ok, what do you need to see?


The resourceReference in the DD of the using EJB (the client) looks like this:

<session id="PCEXMLExchangeRateImportImpl">







          <resource-ref id="ResourceRef_RaFile">












The client code looks like this:

PCERAFileConnectionRequestInfo requestInfoTemp = new PCERAFileConnectionRequestInfo(newName, "rw"); // newName is different at the second call within the same transaction.

fileConnection = (PCERAFileConnection) raFileConnectionFactory.getConnection(requestInfoTemp);

if (fileConnection != null)

     return fileConnection.getRandomAccessFile();


The connectionRequestInfo looks like this:

package com.wincor.jca;

import javax.resource.cci.ConnectionSpec;

import javax.resource.spi.ConnectionRequestInfo;


public class PCERAFileConnectionRequestInfo implements ConnectionRequestInfo, ConnectionSpec {

    private String fileName = "";

    private String openMode = "";


    public PCERAFileConnectionRequestInfo(String fileName, String openMode)     {

        this.fileName = fileName;

                         this.openMode = openMode;



           public int hashCode() {

            return fileName.hashCode() + openMode.hashCode();



    public boolean equals(Object obj)     {

        boolean result = false;


        if (obj != null)         {

            if (obj instanceof PCERAFileConnectionRequestInfo)             {

                                                       result = ((PCERAFileConnectionRequestInfo) obj).getFileName().equals(fileName)  && ((PCERAFileConnectionRequestInfo) obj).getOpenMode().equals(openMode);



        return result;


    public String getFileName()    {

        return fileName;



    public String getOpenMode()     {

        return openMode;



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