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Memory leak on org.jboss.classloader.spi.base.BaseClassLoader

reply from Angelo Marletta in Performance Tuning - View the full discussion

Thank you for your kind answer.


The queries are generated by jpacriteria library, another layer over hibernate.

I found out that each object is given an alias, for example:


SELECT $obj$5cdba0 FROM com.example.MyEntity  $obj$5cdba0


Actually the query does work, but makes the class loader blacklist the String "$obj$5cdba0.class" because someone (hibernate?) is trying to forName it.


I see these solutions, in order of dirtyness(?):


1) patch jpacriteria library in order to avoid generating insane queries

2) disable blacklisting by using jboss-classloading.xml (quick, any drawbacks?)

3) clear blacklist every day with a quartz job, by using jmx


Regarding 2) there are 104 classloader instances, but I should override the blacklist policy only for the classloader with id="vfsfile:$JBOSS_HOME/server/node1/conf/jboss-service.xml". Where should I put the jboss-classloading.xml?


Any other ideas?




(Someone tell Adrian Brock that jpacriteria should be added to the *blacklist* of stupid frameworks ;)

And btw why is the class loader using an unlimited cache for a blacklist?? Why not LRU?)

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