JBoss Community

Re: setActorID for Swimlane in JBPM5

created by Aditya Gaurav in jBPM - View the full discussion

Hi Maciej,


I am currently trying to work out a POC where I can change the actor on a Swimlane after the process has been started. i.e.




final ProcessInstance pi = ksession.startProcess("com.sample.evaluation1");




And then:


GenericCommand<Void> genericCommand = new GenericCommand<Void>(){

public Void execute(Context context){


                                                  System.out.println("inside execute");

                                                  StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = ((KnowledgeCommandContext) context).getStatefulKnowledgesession();

                                                  ProcessInstance processInstance = ksession.getProcessInstance(pi.getId());

                                                  WorkflowProcessInstance wfpi = (WorkflowProcessInstance)processInstance;

                                                  SwimlaneContextInstance slci = (SwimlaneContextInstance)wfpi.getContextInstance(SwimlaneContext.SWIMLANE_SCOPE);


                                                  SwimlaneContext sc = slci.getSwimlaneContext();


                                                  Swimlane s1 = sc.getSwimlane("SL1");

                                                  Swimlane s2 = sc.getSwimlane("SL2");





//                                                  WorkflowProcessInstanceUpgrader.upgradeProcessInstance(ksession, processInstance.getId(), "com.sample.evaluation1", null);


                                                  //slci.setActorId("SL1", "krisv");

                                                  //slci.setActorId("SL2", "mary");


                                                  return null;









The intention is that we should be able to dynamically modify/set the actor ID (using setActorID method of Swimlane class).




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