JBoss Community

Is JBPM 5.2.0 production quality ?

created by Erik Vande Velde in jBPM - View the full discussion

We are evaluating JBPM as workflow engine for a large project. I used it before, some years ago, and advised to use it again now.

Today, after experimenting a bit with JBPM 5.2.0, my gut feeling is that it might be wiser to go for a 3.x version.


These are the reasons:

1) The demo screencasts are out of synch with the packaged software:

- in eclipse the demonstrator is using perspectives that just aren't installed in the download

- the guvnor screencast immediately goes to a view that's totally different from what I see

=> Because of these differences it's not immediately obvious (to me) what the demo is trying to show

2) There isn't any literature available yet about the software

3) It is distributed with a h2 database, which nobody will consider using for a serious project

=> No complete documentation available to migrate to mysql, see: https://community.jboss.org/thread/164547?start=0&tstart=0

4) Because of the dependencies on jboss AS 7 (totally different from jboss 5) and drools/guvnor the learning curve is much steeper then before ...


I'm very interested on the opinion of the JBPM experts on this, and looking forward to their reactions to this post ...

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