Can we prepare the Mysql database so JBPM 5.3 will connect to after changing the persistence.xml and without running the ANT.
What I am trying to do is prevent using the install.demo and start.demo. I want to manually install JBOSS AS 7, manually start the jboss and task service.
Also, how can we change the directory where JBPM console ooks for processes?
Thanks in advance,
Dear Thomas,
I really appreciate your answers and your help. I used the regular way for to connect JBPM to Mysql i.e. using ant.
What I need is to make it manually. Actually, you fired up something in my head which is why I don't export the tables and build my own installation SQL scripts for that. I will try it and let you know.
Also, I am asking about how to let the console look for a specific directory for processes?
Thanks again,