JBoss Community

Re: security in ejb3.1 using jboss 6.0 CR1

created by aravind kopparthi in EJB3 - View the full discussion

that's right the security-domain name that i used as myapp-secure-domain was a typo. i did try as you suggested providing dtd in jboss.xml

also tried with java:/jaas/javaee6-app but no luck.




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


    "-//JBoss//DTD JBOSS 5.0//EN"






<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    "-//JBoss//DTD JBOSS 5.0//EN"


and also just curious if @RolesAllowed annotation on the ejb method shouldn't they fail ? when there is no proper security-domain found in the app context?


and also looked at the 6.0 dtd  and it has this comment could you please tell me how i can specifiy in jboss.xml




<!ELEMENT container-configuration (container-name , call-logging?,

invoker-proxy-binding-name*, sync-on-commit-only?,

insert-after-ejb-post-create?, call-ejb-store-on-clean?, store-not-flushed?, container-interceptors? ,

instance-pool? , instance-cache? ,  persistence-manager? , web-class-loader? ,

locking-policy? ,  container-cache-conf? , container-pool-conf? ,

commit-option? , optiond-refresh-rate? , security-domain?, cluster-config?,



<!-- The extends attribute gives the container-name value of the configuration the container-configuration

is extending. This allows one to specify an extension configuration without having to reiterate all of

the other duplicate configuration info.


        <container-configuration extends="Standard Stateful SessionBean">

            <container-name>Secure Stateless SessionBean</container-name>



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