JBoss Community

Re: How to use task and state in jbpm 4.4

created by Samrat Roy in jBPM - View the full discussion

and this is how you get the task id's of the tasks allocated to a user  before you display them on a jsp ..


Keep the task id in a hidden field if you so desire.


public List<ApproveLeaveModel> getPersonalList(String username) {

        List<ApproveLeaveModel> approvalList = new ArrayList<ApproveLeaveModel>();

        List<Task> personalTaskList = taskService.findPersonalTasks(username);  // finds personal tasks alloted to a user.


        for(Task t : personalTaskList){

            String tId = t.getId();

            Set<String> variableNames = taskService.getVariableNames(tId);

            Map<String,Object> variables = taskService.getVariables(tId, variableNames);

            Integer reqId= (Integer)variables.get("requestId");

            String requestId = reqId.toString();


                ApproveLeaveModel alm  = leaveModuleDao.getLeaveRequestbyId(requestId);





        return approvalList;


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