JBoss Community

Re: problem about running jbpm5

created by Billy Bartels in jBPM - View the full discussion



I found out that after I removed file "jndi.properties", which contains "java.naming.factory.initial=bitronix.tm.jndi.BitronixInitialContextFactory", it started to work! Thanks so much for providing the instructions!


Now I've got a new issue -- how can I have a fresh installation? I tried to delete the JBoss server folder and the H2 database files (test.h2.db, etc.). After a new installation, I still can see all the previous processes in jbpm-console.


I searched the former related posts and didn't find how to do it. Someone said doing it in code:

GraphSession graphSession=jbpmContext.getGraphSession();

ProcessDefinition processDefinition=graphSession.getProcessDefinition(id);



I didn't try it as I'm not sure if it's the way to go. What would be the best way to wipe out all the installed processes as well as the database so as to have a clean installation again?



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