JBoss Community

Re: Event Driven Business Process Management in jBPM5 question

created by Lillian Andres in jBPM - View the full discussion


     Thank you for your prompt response.

     It appears as if implementing the Process Event Listener is not the route we should take.  My question is what is your recommendation?  We were attaching both a JMX monitoring bean (for live monitoring) and a session bean to record to the database each action through the process.  In other words, we wanted to know where in the process (which node) the engine was at, and how long each node was taking to execute.  We also wanted to know how many of these processes were running and had run.

     Do you have a suggestion on a soltuion for these real-time monitoring requirements?  Is there another listener that records each step as you go?

     Thank you very much.

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