JBoss Community

Re: saving state after workitem

created by Chris Melas in jBPM - View the full discussion


When you reach the signal, your process will persist and wait for that signal. The only place to see that a signal has been reached by an instance of your process, is the NodeInstanceLog table. If you examine the entries you can find out whether a signal has completed or not. Then you would have to somehow figure out the ref of the signal and make a call as you would from your external process and continue.  So if i understand correctly you want your process to wait at the signal and somehow an external event is called by your system to continue..


Otherwise if you only try to persist just make workitem1 asynchronous and omit the signal part i.e. start->script1->workitem1->script2->workitem2->end. That will persist your work item until it gets completed. So if it fails while running you can get the work item from WorkItemInfo and rerun it , otherwise if it completes the process will continue to script2 and so on.


please correct me if i havent understood your intention

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