JBoss Community

Messages being delivered but not removed from jbm_msg and jbm_msg_ref

created by Joe Mihalich in JBoss Messaging - View the full discussion



    We're seeing a pretty significant bug in jboss messaging 1.4.2.GA on Jboss 4.2.3.GA.  We're seeing this using both sql server 2005 and and mysql 5.1.


    We put the JMS system under a load where sometimes hundreds, if not thousands of messages are published to a topic to be processed.


    Occasionally we see a bug where the message is delivered to the MDB (verfied through our internal logging), but does not get removed from the jbm_msg or the jbm_msg_ref tables.  The "State" column in the jbm_msg_ref table varies across the messages so it's not like they're getting stuck in some state.  We are seeing this live in the field at customer's sites as well as in house.


    The evil part about this is that the message will and not be redelivered during the course of the app server being up.  however, if you restart the app server, the message is immediately redelivered to the MDB.


    We have upgraded our system internally to 1.4.5GA of jboss messaging...but we have not had enough run time on it yet to see if a bug was fixed in this area or not.  And, I don't see anything in the list of fixes that would indicate this problem was fixed.


    Any ideas how this can happen?




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