
Starting a BusinessProcess out of a PageFlow

created by Heri Bender in jBPM - View the full discussion



I have a pageflow definition, working, no problem. But one event within one page/view (in fact a timeout event) should lead to a new persisted business process instance, because now a person with another role must look at this issue. The original pageflow, if it follows the happy world path, does not need to be a persisted business process, it's just a ordinary pageflow: started, executed and terminated by one employee within one conversation.


I can of course start the new business process within an action handler of the corresponding transition and then end the pageflow normally. But I want to show the transition to the new business process also in the visual pageflow picture, with an own node.

I tried to use the ProcessState node of the page flow workbench:


<process-state name="UnlockTokenProcess">
        <sub-process name="pdUnlockToken"></sub-process>
              <action expression="#{scNextPukRetrieval.startUnlockProcess}" />
        <transition to="endPage" name="businessProcessCreated">


But at runtime, the Jbpm.class looks for another pageflow with the name pdUnlockToken and does not find one, although there is a business process definition with this name in the DB. How can I achieve that the jBPM framework can find business processes out from a page flow node??




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