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JBoss 7 runtime uses JSF 1.2 not main (JSF 2.0)?

created by Karsten Wutzke in JBoss Tools - View the full discussion



as I'm building my app I was wondering why JBT was complaining about the line

<h:commandLink action="#{pqList.deletePq(pq)}">


underlining the part (pq) in yellow. I inspected the issue and I realized my JBoss AS 7 runtime has a JAR entry:


jsf-api-1.2_13.jar - C:\dev\jboss7\modules\javax\faces\api\1.2


Hmm... how did that happen? I thought it should be


jboss-jsf-api_2.0_spec-1.0.0.Final.jar - C:\dev\jboss7\modules\javax\faces\api\main


How can I change/repair this (without adding external libs etc.)?




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