We are thinking about migration from jBPM3 which have access to these variables and allows multiple transitions on node.
We were using name of these transitions as resource bundle key and generating form buttons etc. Processes are plugable to platform so we'have been using methods like take transition by name and so on.
Also it's usefull for reporting when we track execution path and we want to know transition names.
So I would like to know if it will be possible in future releases to specify multiple transitions from node, now it's possible as i said with jbpm.enable.multi.con prop.
Let say i want to get all EndEvent and also their incomming transition (connection) names.
WorkflowProcess process = (WorkflowProcess) ksession.getKnowledgeBase().getProcess(processId);
Node[] nodes = process.getNodes();
Set<NodeDescription> endNodes = new HashSet<NodeDescription>();
for (Node node : nodes) {
if (node instanceof EndNode) {
// Only nodes which terminate all process
if (((EndNode) node).isTerminate()) {
NodeDescriptionImpl description = new NodeDescriptionImpl();
Connection connection = node.getIncomingConnections(org.jbpm.workflow.core.Node.CONNECTION_DEFAULT_TYPE).get(0);
// now i want to get connection name
TransitionDescription t = new TransitionDescription();
t.setName( connection.getName() );