JBoss Community

Mina Human Task Server and close connections - don't refresh the session

created by gardellajp in jBPM - View the full discussion

Hi folks,


I have a problem and I don't found a good solution to this. The problem is that I complete a task and the session didn't refresh becouse the handler and the session is dispose. See the next code:


<< CODE>>>

TaskClient client = obtainATaskClient();



Task task = handler.getTask();


//obtain the session

int sessionId = task.getTaskData().getProcessSessionId();

StatefulKnowledgeSession session = JPAKnowledgeService.loadStatefulKnowledgeSession(sessionId,knowledgeBase, null, envoriment);

CommandBasedWSHumanTaskHandler handler = new CommandBasedWSHumanTaskHandler(session);

session.getWorkItemManager().registerWorkItemHandler("Human Task",handler);



//complete the task

client.complete(taskId, userId, outputData, responseHandler);


isDone = responseHandler.waitTillDone(time);


// -- Close resources --




<<< END CODE >>>>


I can fix with if I put this line after the comment // -- Close resources --:




When I put this, Mina server communicate with the handler and refresh the session. Is a very poor workaround.


I try cache the session and close after some time, but if I use this approach have problems that said WorkItemInfo doesn't exists, becouse the handler delete complete human task.


So my question is:


How can I close the session only after the handler refresh it?




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