JBoss Community

Re: BPM5Processor - JBossESB

created by khuevu in jBPM - View the full discussion


you can triggered BPM process from ESB using the Bpm5Processor:



     class="org.jboss.soa.esb.services.jbpm5.actions.Bpm5Processor" name="jbpm5">
     <property name="process-definition-name" value="helloworld.bpmn"/>
     <property name="process-id" value="com.helloworld.bpm"/>
     <property name="process-action" value="startProcess"/>
     <property name="processHandlerClass" value="org.jbpm.task.service.hornetq.CommandBasedHornetQWSHumanTaskHandler"/>
     <property name="processHandlerHost" value=""/>
     <property name="processHandlerPort" value="5446"/>
     <property name="esbToBpmParams">


You can find this example in the Bpm5 installer package. Property esbToBpmParams are the list of parameters you want to pass to the bpm engine.

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