JBoss Community

JBoss 7 and CGI

created by Niels Ebbesen in Beginner's Corner - View the full discussion

Hi guys, gals,


I figure I'd better get straight to the question, so without further ado:

Does JBoss 7 support CGI out of the box, only requiring a few edits of a conf file to get things up'n running, or is the process slightly more involving?


Having searched around I've only come across answers applying to earlier versions of JBoss (or Tomcat); but I'm beginning to suspect that getting CGI support involves installing (and configuring) the servlet

org.apache.catalina.servlets.CGIServlet ...a servelet which as far as I can see isn't included with the distribution (or am I just looking in the wrong places?)


So, being an absolute beginner I assume I'd better follow a tutorial or two on how to install a servlet, and once I've grok'ed that, grab hold of the source for the CGIServlet and give that one a go.


Am I on the right track?

If not, could someone please give me a push in the right direction.


Thanks in advance,

An absolute beginner

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