JBoss Community

Re: Unable to get managed connection for jdbc

created by titang in Datasource Configuration - View the full discussion

I am still having the same problem. The datasource seems to be well set cause if I put a wrong jndi-name or if I have any error in my jboss-web.xml , the lookup code is not even executed.


I did not mention it but I am using jBoss 6. I tried to deploy my application on jBoss 5 and it worked. I had some execution problems but I was able access the database.


I also tried to use ojdbc5.jar, but it did not improve anything.


My main issue are in fact those exceptions:


ERROR org.rhq.core.pc.inventory.InventoryManager Call to getAvailablity() on ResourceComponent for Resource[id=-49, type=Service Binding Manager, key=ServiceBindingManager, name=Service Binding Manager, parent=JBoss AS 6 (default)] failed.: org.rhq.core.pc.inventory.TimeoutException: Call to org.rhq.plugins.jbossas5.serviceBinding.ManagerComponent.getAvailability() with args [] timed out. Invocation thread will be interrupted


I have no clue which part of my application is involved in these errors. And I don't know if it is related to the impossibility to get a connection to the datasource. How could I know which resource is raising this exception?


Tanks again.

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