JBoss Community

Re: JBoss erststart nicht korrekt ?

created by Wolf-Dieter Fink in Beginner's Corner - View the full discussion

Hallo Jack,

mit Deutsch wird es schwierig, trotzdem Willkommen im Forum ;)

you are supposed to write english that all can understand and aswer to you.


Please add the logfile, the listed error is just the result. The reason is before, it might be only a WARN message but you have to look for the first ERROR (or WARN if no ERROR) this might give you a hit.

Also you should provide whether you change configurations and how do you start.


BTW, do you need the ESB JBoss, if not I would download the 'normal' JBossAS.

Also I would recommend to use AS7 instead of the old AS4.2 or do you have a reason for that?




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