Hello, I have installed JBPM5.1.0 (ant install.demo), then I start jbpm5.1.0 by "ant start.demo".
However, when I use Guvnor to create a bpmn process, it throws out an exception.
It seems that it can't find web-based designer.
I have checked that the file designer.war has been in the directory F:\jbpm-installer5.1.0\jboss-5.1.0.GA\server\default\deploy.
So i don't know why Guvnor can not find the designer.
Can anyone give some advice?
Etat HTTP 404 - /designer/editor/
type Rapport d'�tat
message /designer/editor/
description La ressource demand�e (/designer/editor/) n'est pas disponible.