JBoss Community

Newbie: Cannot import Drools source into Eclipse Juno

created by Alan McNamara in jBPM - View the full discussion

Just starting,


I have installed JBoss Tools in Eclipse Juno.


Attempted (in Eclipse) File -> Import -> Git -> Projects from Git


Next > URI Next >


Entered URI: http://github.com/droolsjbpm (as per instructions http://www.jboss.org/drools/source-code)


[Note: http: address.  If I use https: I get different error message - about libraries not found.]


Next >




Transport Error

http://github.com/droolsjbpm: 301 Moved Permanently:

http://github.com/droolsjbpm: 301 Moved Permanently


Please check:

- Network Connection settings

- Network Connection -> SSH Eclipse preferences


You may also need to restart Eclipse after making changes in preferences.


I checked Network Connections in Window -> Preferences.  Set to Direct (I have no proxies).


Restarted Eclipse.  Same error message when tried to import Drools.


Checked Network Connection -> SSH Eclipse preferences.  I don't understand the settings, but I don't believe the Drools git requires SSH certificates.


301 Move Permanently sounds like a status from github.  Why would github give this message?


Anybody with any ideas on how to import Drools source into Eclipse Juno?



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