JBoss Community

WCM and portal integration

created by Peeter Smitt in JBoss Portal - View the full discussion



We just finished one project with IBM Portal 6.1 and IBM WCM  6.1. Honestly I wasn't too happy how those two products were integrated.  Biggest problems were that WCM navigation and portal navigation are  totally different things and it creates problems with bread crumbs and  sitemap, secondly IBM WCM API is so slow that we needed to write couple  of hacks to get it working with normal speed. I have been looking around  for a while and haven't found any WCM + Portal integration that I truly  like. Common problem seems to be that WCM systems are built to work  alone without portal server and thus there are overlapping  functionalities which are not handled properly when integrating those  two things.


I give it some thought and tried to come up with some  solution how this integration can be done. Basically idea is to let WCM  deal with content versioning, syndication, security, etc but when it  comes to navigation and presentation then that part should be covered by  portal side. I created one google doc explain the idea - https://docs.google.com/document/edit?id=1PT5RYuJqhUotXmoMZOBw88uFlKiDOIGYCoBQOEkfOUc&hl=en&authkey=COjQzJ8D. Would be grateful to get your ideas.

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