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Trying to resolve systemId as a non-file URL JBoss 5.1

created by getstarted in JBoss Web Services - View the full discussion

08:30:55,530 INFO  [ServerCache] **LOCAL** Class loaders url's synched up

08:30:56,273 WARN  [JBossEntityResolver] Trying to resolve systemId as a non-file URL: http://host:port/client-ws/services/{port}?xsd=1

08:30:57,856 WARN  [JBossEntityResolver] Trying to resolve systemId as a non-file URL: http://host:port/client-ws/services/{port}?xsd=24

08:31:04,614 INFO  [ServerImpl] Runtime shutdown hook called, forceHalt: true

08:31:04,968 WARN  [JBossEntityResolver] Trying to resolve systemId as a non-file URL: http://host:port/client-ws/services/{port}?xsd=25

08:31:05,327 WARN  [JBossEntityResolver] Trying to resolve systemId as a non-file URL: http://host:port/client-ws/services/{port}?xsd=2

08:31:05,456 WARN  [JBossEntityResolver] Trying to resolve systemId as a non-file URL: http://host:port/client-ws/services/{port}?xsd=3


Hello, I wrote a Web service client for our vendor's web service.  It is working fine with Soap UI and stand-alone Java application.  But after i deployed to JBoss, I am having the above error.  I am getting this while instatiating the service.  After having several of the above messages, I am getting the "Cannot load Java type error.  Again the same code work fine as a stand-alone program from Main method.



I am using JBoss 5.1, JDK 1.6, JAX-WS, IntelliJ IDEA as an IDE. 


Should i download all xsd's and wsdl to my local drive and refer from there?  If I am deploying to JBoss, how do I packages these xsds inside the jar file, and how to refer them?  I have the code similar to this


Generated code by JAX-ws:


super(WSDL_LOCATION, new QName("http://{URL}", "{operation}"));  //error is getting here

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