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Problem with Plugin JBoss Maven CDI Configurator 3.3 M2

created by Gonne Martens in JBoss Tools - View the full discussion



I am using Eclipse 3.7 with M2E Maven Integration and JBoss Tools 3.3 M2.

When I try to update the project configuration (Menu Maven -> Update project configuration) for a simple maven EJB project with a CDI dependency (javax.enterprise:cdi-api:1.0-SP4) I get the following error message:


Errors occurred during the build.

Errors running builder 'Maven Project Builder' on project 'sandbox-ejb'.

Cannot compare versions of different facets to each other. Attempted to compare version 3.1 of facet jst.ejb with version 2.5 of facet jst.web.


I tried to isolate the problem by removing all unnecessary JBoss Tools plugins. The error occurs when the plugin "JBoss Maven CDI Configurator" is installed (1.2.0.v20110624-0731-H5-M2)

The error disappears when the "CDI facet" in Preferences/JBoss Tools/JBoss Maven Integration is disabled.


Kind regards,


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