... other than the use of @Asynchronous annotation or it's xml equivalent. From what I see in the EJB3.1 Spec, Section 4.5.1:
The @Asynchronous annotation is used to designate which business methods are asynchronous.
Asynchronous methods can also be designated via the deployment descriptor.
I do however see that in our async interceptor (which has to decide whether to spawn a new thread or continue in the current one), we additionally check for method return type to decide whether it's asynchronous:
// Determine if asynchronous (either returns Future or has @Asynchronous)
if (invocation.resolveAnnotation(Asynchronous.class) != null || actualMethod.getReturnType().equals(Future.class))
Just wondering whether this is OK. The only side-effect that I can think of, with this implicit rule for asynchronous method, is the difference in transaction semantics for that method invocation.