The metadata bug JBIDE-9787 I have seen for some time and I hope you guys move away from that as the default config with the final release of JBDS5.
It's not supposed to be set to that value for EAP6/AS7 - hence the bug.
Storing the deployable EAR or WAR in an eclipse metadata folder always gets out of sync with the server especially if you are changing server configurations outside of JBDS. We have always switched that to "use JBoss deploy" folder for previous EAP servers like 4.3 and 5. Not sure what the correct answer is for JBossAS7 and EAP6 though.
The reason we use workspace one is that AS3-6 contains *alot* of other deployments and actually cleaning up could be daunting plus some users run of an AS/EAP on which they cannot write to the default deploy folder and finally users were complaining we were "polluting" their AS/EAP install with their development deploys ... thats the primary reasons why we did it.
I do get some of the AS7 runtime libraries from <JBOSS_AS7>/modules/javax when I assign the runtime library to a project. I just had issues with both JSF 2.0 and JSF 1.2 libraries being on the classpath. This all might be interrelated though.
hmm - could you report that one - that should have been fixed, but apparently isn't.