JBoss Community

Re: get Jboss 7 to use custom top down WSDL definition of your choosing, without having CXF generate a wsdl

created by jonathan wilson in JBoss Web Services - View the full discussion

so setting the wsdlLocation in the @webservice annotation lead to the error described here




so it turned way simpler after reading it


the directions there list two options:


1) Update the @WebService annotation on the FooDocumentImpl class to 

have the serviceName/portName attributes that match the values in the 



2) Update the <jaxws:endpoint> element in your config to add the 

qnames for the service name and portname.


the first is if you are not using Spring, so after explicitly bringing the @WebService annotation to:


@WebService(endpointInterface = "main.package.InterfaceWS", serviceName = "InterfaceWSService", name = "InterfaceWS", targetNamespace = "http://Interface.namespace.main", wsdlLocation = "WEB-INF/wsdl/InterfaceWS.wsdl" ,portName="InterfaceWSPort")


to match the service description in the wsdl:


<service name="InterfaceWSService">

<port binding="tns:InterfaceWSSOAPBinding" name="InterfaceWSPort">

<soap:address location="http://localhost:8080/theLocationOfTheInterface" />




it worked like a charm

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