Hi Everybody,
I want to get an instance of an already existing cache but it is giving binding exception.
I am posting the exception below
949 [main] WARN org.jgroups.protocols.UDP - could not bind to / (IPv4 address); make sure your mcast_addr is of the same type as the IP stack (IPv4 or IPv6).
Will ignore mcast_addr, but this may lead to cross talking (see http://www.jboss.com/wiki/Edit.jsp?page=CrossTalking for details).
Exception was: java.net.BindException: Cannot assign requested address
949 [main] WARN org.jgroups.protocols.UDP - could not bind to / (IPv4 address); make sure your mcast_addr is of the same type as the IP stack (IPv4 or IPv6).
Will ignore mcast_addr, but this may lead to cross talking (see http://www.jboss.com/wiki/Edit.jsp?page=CrossTalking for details).
Exception was: java.net.BindException: Cannot assign requested address
If anybody can help please............