JBoss Community


modified by Yahor Radtsevich in JBoss Tools - View the full document

Q: Which platforms are supported by Visual Editor?

A: The list of supported platforms (and their IDs):

  • Windows with Java 32-bit (win32.win32.x86)
  • Windows with Java 64-bit (win32.win32.x86_64) - Experimental support is available in JBoss Tools 4.1.0.Beta1/2 and JBoss Developer Studio 7.0.0.Beta1/2.
    To enable it, you need to install XULRunner from this update site: http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/builds/staging/xulrunner-1.9.2_win64/all/repo/.
    If you cannot start Eclipse after this installation, you may use –Dorg.jboss.tools.vpe.loadxulrunner=false option as described in the next question.
    Please comment this JIRA if something went wrong.
  • Linux x86 (gtk.linux.x86)
  • Linux x86-64 (gtk.linux.x86_64)
  • Mac OS X Cocoa with Java 32-bit (cocoa.macosx.x86)
  • Mac OS X Carbon with Java 32-bit (carbon.macosx.x86) [not supported by JBoss Tools 3.3.0 and later, JBDS 5.0 and later]

In brief, Java 64-bit is supported on Linux only, on all other systems Visual Editor requires Java 32-bit.


Q: Eclipse crashes when I use Visual Editor, what can I do?

A: This may happen  in JBoss Tools 3.3.0.M2 and above with Eclipse 3.7.0 due to the WebKit and XULRunner conflict. You can disable Visual Editor by adding the option –Dorg.jboss.tools.vpe.loadxulrunner=false to the eclipse.ini (or jbdevstudio.ini if you use JBoss Developer Studio).


Q: Visual Editor does not start under Linux

A: Linux users may need to do the following to get the visual editor to work correctly on their machines.


  • The Visual Page Editor (before JBoss Tools 3.1.0.M4) requires the library libstdc+.so.5. This library is contained in the compat-libstdc+-33.i386 package.

    • To install this package on Fedora Core or Red Hat Enterprise Linux run the following command:

yum install compat-libstdc++-33.i386

    • On any other rpm based distributions download libstdc++.so.5 and run the following command:

rpm -Uvh compat-libstdc++-33.i386

    • On Debian and Debian based distributions (e.g. Ubuntu) run the following command:

apt-get install libstdc++5

  • In case you have the library installed and you still have issue with starting the visual page editor then close all browser views/editors and leave one visual page editor open and restart eclipse. This should force a load of the right XULRunner viewer.


Q: Visual Editor doesn't start at any platform and shows message 'The VPE editor can't be run because your system environment needs to be changed slightly'

A: Check if you version of JBoss Developer Studio/JBoss Tools is compatible with you version of Eclipse, see the compatibility matrix http://www.jboss.org/community/wiki/MatrixofsupportedplatformsruntimesandtechnologiesinJBossToolsJBDS



Q: Visual Editor starts OK, but the following message dialog appears:




A: Some functionality of Visual Editor may not work if a project doesn't have org.jboss.tools.jsf.jsfnature or org.jboss.tools.jst.web.kb.kbnature in .project configuration. To fix this problem and turn off the message box execute next steps:

  • Right mouse button click on a project in Package Explorer.
  • Select Configure -> Add JSF Capabilities from the context menu.
  • Configure your project using Add JSF Capabilities wizard and press Finish.

P.S. If you are sure that your project does not need JSF capabilities, just disable this message box by checking "Do not show this dialog again!" checkbox.


Q: Visual Part doesn't start and "XPCOM error -2147467259" is shown

A: Something bad happened with buildin xulrunner. To check it you should:

  • Go to Eclipse -> Help -> About -> Installation Details... ->  Configuration
  • find org.eclipse.swt.browser.XULRunnerPath and open this path in terminal
  • try xulrunner.exe -version or ./xulrunner -version and it should show what is needed for XR to work

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