Hi all,
I am facing a problem and unable to get any solution if any one of you can help me out.
I am upgrading from jboss4.2.3 to jboss 5.0.0 GA and while deploying my ear i am getting null pointer exception.
In my ear I have a jar file, which contains a properties file say myFile.properties and I want to access this file in one of my java class which is also thr in the jar in pkg something like abc\efg\pkg1\pkg2\xyz.java.
InputStream input = XYZ.class.getResourceAsStream("/myFile.properties");
Here m getting a input as null.
I guess its something related to classloaders :-( , the same thing works fine with jboss4.2.3.
please provide your valuable solution and let me know in case any more info is reqd.
Thanks in advance.