JBoss Community

CDATA in soapenv empty

created by bobekebob in JBoss Web Services - View the full discussion

Hello everybody.


I'm dealing with issue on jboss (jboss-5.1.0.GA) and jbossws (jbossws-native-3.3.1.GA). When our ws gets soap message where xml message in soapenv body is string everything is OK. But when xml message is in <![CDATA]]> it can't be extracted. Here's code :


    @WebMethod(operationName = "Call")

    @WebResult(name = "Ack", targetNamespace = "http://www.xxxxx.eu/zzz/yyy/webservice/V1/", partName = "Ack")

    public boolean call(

            @WebParam(name = "Call", targetNamespace = "http://www.xxxxx.eu/zzz/yyy/webservice/V1/", partName = "Call")

            String message,

            @WebParam(name = "Header", targetNamespace = "http://www.xxxxx.eu/zzz/yyy/webservice/V1/", header = true, partName = "Header")

            Header header) {


        String chainName = "csCallbackChainConfiguration";



In case of CDATA usage, String message isn't null and contains empty string - "". Any ideas how to solve this problem ? Thank you for your time.

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