JBoss Community

Re: re-authentication and pooling

created by Dmitri Voronov in IronJacamar - View the full discussion

You wrote in your article:

There are a couple of design choices


  1. An implementation that keeps all connections within the same managed connection pool
  2. An implementation that separates connections based on their credentials and does a reauthentication if needed

None of the options provide a solution for the issue described in the original post:


  • the fact that a JCA resource adaptor may support multiple types of the underlying connections. That means - pooling by CRI at least.
  • pooling by Subject (I pressume you mean it with credantials) may cause too many sub-pools in case of a big numgber of users. The consequence is that max pool size = max pool size x number of users.

In my opinion the pooling should depend on the re-authentication capability of adapter. If an adapter declares that it supports re-authentication - pool by CRI, if not - pool by Subject and CRI.

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