Hi! I deploy my simple stateful bean on JBossAS7.1.
Remote interface:
package ejbserver.session.test;
import javax.ejb.Remote;
import javax.ejb.Remove;
public interface TestStateful {
public void test();
public void remove();
Stateful bean:
package ejbserver.session.test;
import javax.annotation.PreDestroy;
import javax.ejb.Remove;
import javax.ejb.Stateful;
public class TestStatefulBean implements TestStateful {
public void test() {
public void remove() {
public void predestroy(){
Test client:
package testclient;
import java.security.Security;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import javax.jms.JMSException;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator;
import org.jboss.sasl.JBossSaslProvider;
import ejbserver.FacadeFactory;
import ejbserver.session.test.TestStateful;
public class Main {
private static final String appName = "JBossModules";
private static final String moduleName = "EjbModule";
private static final String distinctName = "";
static {
Security.addProvider(new JBossSaslProvider());
private static Context getInitialContext() throws NamingException {
Hashtable<String, String> environment = new Hashtable<String, String>();
environment.put(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "org.jboss.ejb.client.naming");
return new InitialContext(environment);
private static String getStatelessConnectionString(Class<?> facadeClass) {
final String beanName = facadeClass.getSimpleName() + "Bean";
final String viewClassName = facadeClass.getName();
return "ejb:" + appName + "/" + moduleName + "/" + distinctName + "/" + beanName + "!" + viewClassName;
private static String getStatefullConnectionString(Class<?> facadeClass) {
return getStatelessConnectionString(facadeClass)+"?stateful";
public static void main(String[] args) throws NamingException, JMSException {
TestStateful remote = (TestStateful) getInitialContext().lookup(getStatefullConnectionString(TestStateful.class));
But when I run the client, I see the following log:
12:20:20,163 INFO [stdout] (pool-8-thread-2) test
12:20:20,194 INFO [stdout] (pool-8-thread-3) remove
12:20:20,194 WARN [org.jboss.as.ejb3] (pool-8-thread-3) JBAS014101: Could not find stateful bean to release {[-103, -76, 39, 39, 74, 102, 71, -83, -123, -27, 88, 87, 104, -93, 56, 61]}
12:20:20,194 INFO [stdout] (pool-8-thread-3) predestroy
What this warning "Could not find stateful bean to release {[-103, -76, 39, 39, 74, 102, 71, -83, -123, -27, 88, 87, 104, -93, 56, 61]}" means and why the bean can't be finded?