JBoss Community

Re: JBPM 4.0 in Web Application

created by Anand Prakash in jBPM - View the full discussion

Hi Deepak,

Did you get your answer about creating sample web application and using JBPM4 in it?

I'm using user doc from jboss jbpm4 and able to run jbpm-console application but they have target to create user-webapp in build.xml file under >install

directory and I'm able to build sample user-weapp which creates user-webapp under \jbpm-4.4\install\generated\user-webapp .But not sure how to deploy on jboss5.1.0 and i've noticed that user-webapp folder doesn't have web.xml.So that could be the reason ,it's not deploying on jboss properly.

If you have done this sample user-webapp deployment successfully or any other sample web app using jbpm4 in it then please let me know.




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