JBoss Community

Re: Can a POJO be Parameter Mapped?

created by Demian Calcaprina in jBPM - View the full discussion

Hi Gary,


Yes, it is possible. I think this example can help you:



You can check that the process


contains complex variables.


Basically, you have to:

1) Declare de variable type:

<itemDefinition id="_emergencyItem" structureRef="com.wordpress.salaboy.example.model.Emergency"/>


2) Declare the variable:

<property id="emergency" itemSubjectRef="_emergencyItem"/>



Declare the variable as input (or output) in the task:

<userTask id="_2" name="Ask for Emergency Information">


                <dataInput id="_2_emergencyInput" name="emergency"/>

















4) Send it as parameter in the process, or as an output of another task.


Hope it helps.



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