JBoss Community

Re: jbossws-native: Publish HttpContext via Endpoint API

created by Alessio Soldano in JBoss Web Services - View the full discussion

Just to clarify:

    • the Endpoint.publish() API is meant to be consumed directly by final users in JSE environments only; there's nothing in the spec saying you're granted to have a deployment on the already running container in JavaEE environment; btw, the TCK for that used to assume a new server is actually started
    • the JAXWS 2.2 spec had a significant improvement over previous versions wrt the Endpoint.publish() API. In particular the Endpoint.publish(javax.xml.ws.spi.http.HttpContext serverContext) method -that's been added in 2.2- allows for portable deployments to "jaxws22-httpspi-compatible" containers; that was not the case (the API was kind of broken) before 2.2
    • as far as I know, at the moment that set of compatible containers basically includes Grizzly (well, the whole http spi there in the spec has been kind of derived from that) and any http server that can be bridged similarly to what I did for com.sun.net.httpserver (http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossws/projects/jaxws-httpserver-httpspi/)
    • the JBoss AS is currently not included in the set above, and afaik there're no plans atm for working on that
    • JBossWS Native is not going to see any further development in this area, given this is a really specific usecase and it's also already properly covered by JBossWS-CXf which is the default ws stack and the one the JavaEE 6 certification has been run with and will be run

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