I have try to get help in simmilar topic https://community.jboss.org/thread/218281?start=15&tstart=0 but withou success. So I decide to create new one.
My problem is that I cannot get access to process variable set as a result in HumanTask1 from HumanTask2
This is my diagram:
Short flow description:
After process is started user:user1 pick object:wrapper (from external Wsdl) to edit, chenge its fields and confirm changes or reject it.
Eddited object is about to be placed as HT result and stored as process variables.
First gateway check if object have been placed (not null - go to commit) or changes have been rejected (is null - cancel & end process)
At begininig next HT (approval) log script is called, then it calls my custom EscalatedDeadlineHandler
and send email to user:approver (HT2 task owner).
Approval base on object:wrapper from previous HT. Approval page display edited object:wrapper and shows changes made by user:user1
As a result Boolean value isApproved has to be added to proces variables. Next gateway check isApproved = true then go to submit changes (send back to store edited object - external Wsdl) - else goes to end.
Process is started correctly but I cannot see variables added at HT1 in database.
I also have problem with load/ reload disposed session.
I have seen and try:
(try both strategies - i prefer to store serializable object but tested entity object to - object have been persisted - but i have not found reference to it in db process data)
Below test project sources can be found. Project base on Seam2.2 - required libs list (not attached) can be found in deployed-jars-ear.list & deployed-jars-war.list files
I have changed data source name at persistence. Project use Jboss7.1.3 with deployed jbpm-human-task-war-5.4.0.Final-EE6.war (also with changed DS name)