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JBoss Tools at EclipseCon and Devoxx

modified by Max Rydahl Andersen in JBoss Tools - View the full blog post

I've just landed in Boston after a week of JBoss meetups in Newcastle and now getting ready to have fun at EclipseCon 2013.


We got a few JBoss Tools related talks at EclipseCon this year:


Andre Dietisheim and I will be presenting on Tuesday about "Google Analytics for Eclipse Plugins" where we will present our approach to gather usage statistics for JBoss Tools users. We'll give overview of the design and some fun stats and surprising demographics about users.


I will present Wednesday "A tale about a Big SVN to Git migration where I will outline how we in practice converted 7+ years SVN history with ~2+ million lines of code into what is now at jbosstools github. I'll also cover on some of the lessons learned since the migration and about the good and bad surprises in using git.


Bob Brodt will be taking part of the SOA Symposium covering his work on the Eclipse BPMN modeler.


But all the fun is not only in Boston, Xavier Coulon is presenting at Devoxx France about "Build & Deploy on your own cloud" where he will be showing of OpenShift Origin using it for deploying his own hosted cloud while still being able to use JBoss Tools OpenShift tooling to manage and develop on it.


Finally, Koen Aers is at Devoxx, London talking about "From Zero to JavaEE in 15 minutes (or less)" showing of Forge and if time permits the JBoss Tools integration ;)


Hope some of you will come by, ask some hard questions and say Hi! 


Have fun!

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