JBoss Community

Re: Asynchronous service tasks and transactions

created by Rahul Agrawal in jBPM - View the full discussion



I doing it the same way but not directly. I am not registering my handler with kession. But the completeWorkItem(workItemId, result) i am calling on the same session. The call to this method is not inside the handler but inside an ejb that is called from the new thread that i am calling.


My workItemHandler is as follows:


public void executeWorkItem(WorkItem workItem, WorkItemManager manager) {



                    final String operation = (String) workItem.getParameter("Operation");



                    final WorkItem internalWorkItem = workItem;

                    final WorkItemManager internalWorkItemManager = manager;



                    new Thread(new Runnable()


                                   public void run()



               Map<String, Object> inParams = internalWorkItem.getParameters();







                                                                                     results = EJBCallLookUP.call(operation, inputParams);


           catch(Exception e)









in the EJBCallLookUP.call I am looking up the ejb for the operation and calling the method with operation name. Inside that operation i am calling the completeWorkItem(...) with the session.



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