JBoss Community

Re: JBoss Tools 3.2 beta is out!

created by erik van altena in JBoss Tools - View the full discussion

Been working with beta 2 for a few days now, installed through the regular Eclipse 'check for updates' feature upgrading the beta 1 plugin I already had.


I have one 'issue' that I did not have with beta 1. In my facelets pages (jsf 1.2) I use a message bundle (loaded through f:loadBundle) that I reference like "#{msg.keyname}". Since beta 2 the validator flags the message bundle references as non-existing properties; that did not happen before the update. After changing the references to the map way, as "#{msg['keyname']}", the validator was happy again.


It does not happen for all my files; I have a set of richfaces modal panels that I include using facelets ui:include, stored in a separate subdirectory. These did not trigger any validation errors. Seems it only happens for files I reference in the jsf navigation rules.


Other than this minor annoyance I have seen no issues at all so far! Autocompletion features seem more responsive in this release, which is always a nice thing.

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